Herbs are used from ages in astrology. Holy sages used certain herbs like cinnamon, nutmeg, rosemary, rose , lavender , jasmine etc. for divination. Herbs are linked to astrology in various traditions, for making herbal medicines, used in havans and sacred ceremonies. Each planet and zodiac sign (ascendant) is associated with specific herb.
Herbs and planetary influences
Sun – Herbs which are associated with sun are used for power, vitality, confidence and success.
Chamomile– Restores vitality
Sunflower– Boost energy
Moon – One can improve their intuition with these herbs.
Night Blooming Jasmine – Enhance mental clarity
Lemon Balm– Helps with anxiety and stress
Mercury- Herbs linked with mercury for better Communication and intellect
Rosemary– For good memory and mental clarity
Peppermint- Refreshing and balance throat chakra
Mars- Herbs associated with mars stimulate power and physical energy.
Cayenne Pepper– Increases circulation
Ginseng– Boost physical energy
Venus– Herbs linked with Venus can be used for love, attraction and creativity
Damiana– Aphrodisiac herb used for love, attraction and beauty
Rose– Enhance emotional balance
Saturn– Herb associated with Saturn can be used for grounding and protection
Valerian root– Helps with stress management and enhance protection
Sage- Purification and grounding
Jupiter– Herb linked with Jupiter can be used for wisdom and expansion
Turmeric- Anti inflammatory and balance solar plexus chakra
Dandelion- For prosperity and abundance