Lions Gate Portal 2024 and its effect on all zodiac sign


What is lions gate portal ?

How to take maximum benefit from this portal?

In order to take maximum benefits from this event, one can do few easy practices e.g., journaling, meditation with lions gate portal frequency and seven chakra healing with crystal.

For journaling, you can make journaling prompts, question yourself e.g. What do my soul need, what are my deep insecurities, what are my desires and so on, also includes visualisation technique, you can visualise the scenario which you actually want to manifest.

Heal your seven energy points with seven healing crystal (clear quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, citrine, carnelian and red jasper). Practice meditation for minimum 5-10 minutes.

Effect of lions gate portal on different zodiac signs

This cosmic portal act differently on each zodiac sign which are discussed below. These assumptions are based on rising sign (ascendant).

Aries– You are assertive, brave and independent and can harness this boundless energy to manifest things during this period. You have to work towards your goal but don’t forget to take enough sleep to feel refresh and ready to go.

Taurus – We know you are not afraid of hard work. You have big dreams and in order to fulfil them it is very essential to use your power of patience and persistence. This portal will bring you good luck and opportunities.

Gemini – Chirpy geminians, before responding to any conversation, take a minute to choose your words carefully. Introspection and observation will help you during this period. Journal your thoughts in spite of sharing them.

Cancer– Mother of zodiac signs, since the energies are quiet opposite of your archetype, it is very important to come out from the comfort zone and allow your masculine side to take the charge.

Leo – Its your period finally. You are going to experience the effect of lions gate portal the most as it is happening around you. You may receive some unexpected opportunities and wealth. You are extra powerful during this phase but keep your ego under control.

Virgo – Analytical Virgo its time to work on your emotional matter and relationships. Work on your decision making and do not escape yourself from confrontations. Use this portal wisely for maintaining harmony and balance in your love life.

Libra – Librans, its time to put yourself first in professional as well as personal front. You are ignoring your needs from past few months. Self love during this alignment will help you maintain that lost connection with yourself. Take salt water bath and meditate.

Scorpio – Maybe you are not feeling that great currently but here is an excellent opportunity for you to work on your manifestations. You are stronger than you think. Visualise your manifestation, use crystals like clear quartz, citrine and amethyst.

Sagittarius– Get up, its time to hold steering wheel in your hand. Make to do list. Declutter your space and mind as well. This will keep you in right direction. Be organise with your work and this portal will bring you endless opportunities and abundance.

Capricorn – Enough of hard work already but you are not listening to your higher self and intuition. You can use this period to work on your spiritual side. Listen to your gut feeling, this will help you in taking write decisions. Seven chakra healing can be helpful to you during lions gate portal.

Aquarius – You maybe look distant and aloof but you crave deep connections in your life. You can manifest healthy friendship and relationship during this phase. Start fresh with your loved ones, make ist moves, express your feelings.

Pisces – You need an cooperative work environment. This portal is giving you chance to work on relationship with your work mates. Set intention for positive and supportive atmosphere at your workplace.

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